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Strategies for Setting Achievable Goals

Strategies for Setting Achievable Goals

The need to set realistic goals cannot be overemphasized if you want to be happy with the result and meet your targets. Be it personal or professional, goal setting can make a whole lot of difference between dreaming and doing it. Let’s try and understand how goals and objectives can be accomplished and what strategy needs to be in place.

Why Goal Setting Is Important

Goals are important because they give a direction to your objective and also help you track your progress. They help you stay focused and give you a sense of purpose.

Use the SMART Criteria

We have already elaborated on the SMART criteria in our previous blogs and their importance cannot be overstated. Ensuring your goals fit the SMART criteria will help you set achievable goals and those that have a good amount of impact. Just to revisit what SMART means:

  • S – Specific goals and not ambiguous ones
  • M – Measurable goals whose progress can be tracked
  • A – Achievable goals – goals that are realistic
  • R – Relevant goals – goals which have some relevance to your profession or personal life
  • T – Time-bound – those that have a deadline so you also have a sense of urgency to complete them

Break Down Large Goals into Smaller Ones

When it comes to a larger goal, it would seem overwhelming. Segmenting your goals can make them less daunting and easier to accomplish. Here are a few points you can consider to achieve this:

  • Chunking: It may seem counterintuitive, but big goals may actually discourage you. Segmenting or chunking makes them less cumbersome and; therefore, more doable if they are partitioned into easier tasks. One step at a time.
  • Milestones: Identify additional objectives that serve as benchmarks on your way to achieving the overarching objective. Small achievements will also help you to stay motivated and can be seen as a form of progress.
  • Daily/Weekly Goals: It is centered upon the goals that are realistically achievable on a daily or weekly basis. Small wins add up over time and help you to continue to keep on moving forward towards the bigger goal.

Prioritizing Goals

Distractions are all around us and it makes it all the more challenging to stay focused and achieve our goals. Prioritizing goals will help you stay focused. Here are some points how this can be done.
The first step is to identify priorities among the tasks that you have on hand. This allows focus and efforts to be directed at the most important ones
Using tools like the Eisenhower Matrix can help to categorize goals based on importance and urgency thereby ensuring the pressing ones get attention.
Focus on goals that have the highest impact.

Have A Detailed Action Plan

The first step to achieving your goals is to create a detailed action plan. One can never disregard the feeling of accomplishment that one gets after achieving what one sets their mind to do. Here’s what can be done.

  • Goals can be broken down into smaller, actionable tasks.
  • Make it a norm to first note down what resources will be needed and how much to prevent challenges later.
  • Have a practical timeline for the main goal with deadlines for the smaller goals

Stay Flexible and Adaptable

During the process of achieving goals, one can encounter unforeseen challenges. To navigate these twists and turns successfully, it’s important to learn to be flexible and adaptable.

  • Adjusting Goals: It is also important to set goals in a way that, in the event of a change in life’s circumstances, you can closely follow the goals built without radically altering the result.
  • Continuous Learning: Always make it a point that failures are not failures but they are lessons where and when changes are being made.

Monitor Progress and Stay Accountable

Achieving goals requires consistent effort and regular evaluation. Here’s how it can be done.

See Also

  • Regular Check-Ins: Have a schedule to review the process and changes that are needed to be made.
  • Accountability Partners: Discuss the goals with someone who can motivate and encourage as well as keep you on track.
  • Celebrate Achievements: People need to be aware of the landmarks in order to refresh their well-being and remind them of the purpose behind objectives.

Make Use Of Productivity Monitoring Apps

Use technology to make the goal-setting journey better with productivity monitoring apps like Handdy. Tools like Handdy can help in tracking progress, managing time, and staying organized. Some of the benefits of using productivity apps include:
Track progress on a regular basis
Set reminders to stay on track
It makes everything organized
Visualizing the progress of your goals will motivate you to achieve them further.

Stay Motivated – Avoid Burnout

Keeping the momentum of motivation when you are chasing large goals is a challenging task. To prevent burnout from pursuing it, here are some points to make note of.

  • Reward yourself as you check each of the smaller goals on the way to the larger goal
  • Make sure to keep it balanced, do not over do it. Your personal well-being always matters, so ensure to take care of your physical and mental health.
  • Setting achievable goals involves understanding their importance and using the SMART criteria. Goals can be big but breaking them down into smaller, bite-sized goals will keep you motivated and help you maintain the momentum over a longer period of time. Utilize productivity apps like Handdy to manage goals efficiently and understand how you work. For more information on Handdy, visit