
Productive reports – How to set it up and what are in these reports (Premium feature)

Productive reports – How to set it up and what are in these reports (Premium feature)

1. Go to classification section on the left menu bar >> Websites

Click on the team and the staff and select Go to see which websites have been browsed by this staff. You can then assign the specific website as productive or neutral or unproductive by selecting the button. You can also select the category of the website.

After this is set up; you can go to Productivity link on the left menu and click on the productive websites.

You can then click on the team and employee and see what the productive websites that your employee has used.

You can then select the employee to see which productive sites has been used by the employee.

2. Go to Classification >> Applications

Select team and employee and mark which applications are productive and which ones are not. You can also select the category that the applications belongs to.

You can then go to Productivity on the left menu and select productive applications and run the report to see which ones that your staff worked on.

3. Other productive reports

Productivity report – shows the list of productive hours, unproductive hours and neutral hours that your employees have worked on

Projects worked on – shows the list of projects that the team or employee has worked on

Productive employee report – this report shows the number of productive hours that your employees have worked

Categories worked – this shows the list of categories that your employees have worked on – whether project related or administrative etc.

Productive websites – this reports shows the productive websites that your employees have used and the time spent on them. Note: You need to set up the sites as mentioned in the instructions earlier in this section

Productive applications – this report shows the productive applications that your employees have used and the time spent on them. Note: You need to set up the sites as mentioned in the instructions earlier in this section