Creating an invoice

How do I create an invoice

How do I create an invoice

  • Log on to Handdy Invoices.
  • Click on ‘Create invoices’ tab to begin creating your invoice.
  • Enter information like ‘Customer name’, ‘Customer address’, ‘Invoice number’, ‘Invoice date’, ‘Payment terms’ and ‘Currency’.
  • Enter sale particulars like ‘Item’, ‘Description’, ‘Price’, “Quantity’, ‘Units’ and ‘Tax’ for each line item.

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  • Tax can be charged for each line item under the ‘Tax’ tab.
  • The amount payable for each line item will be calculated and displayed under the ‘Amount’ tab.
  • Click on ‘Add line’ to include new line item.

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  • ‘Subtotal’ reflects the total value of all line items.
  • Below the ‘Subtotal’ tab is the ‘Add field’ tab which allows you to Add tax, Add subtotal, Discount, Charges and Others.
  • The total invoice amount will be displayed below the ‘Add field’ tab.
  • You can add notes to customer by using the ‘Notes to Customer’ tab which appears below the ‘Invoice Total’ tab.
  • Notes to customer will appear at the bottom of the invoice that you have created.


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  • ‘Recurring invoice’ option allows you to select the ‘Start’ and ‘End’ date of the invoice and also how often you may want to send the invoice to your client.

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  •  ‘Sales rep’ option allows you to include in the invoice name of the sales person who has executed the sale.
  • Additionally, in the ‘Sales rep’ tab using ‘Add new sales rep’ option you can add first and last name and email address of a sales person that you wish to add to your list.

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  • Review the created invoice and click ‘Save’ option to save your invoice.

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  • The invoice that you have created will appear on the screen.

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  • ‘Enter payment’ section allows you to keep a record of the payment amount that you have received.
  • You can enter details such as payment date, amount and type and click on ‘Enter payment’ option.

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  • Invoice ‘History’ will display name of Handdy Invoices account holder and name of sales representative who has executed the sale.
  • You can edit, void or print the invoice using the respective options.
  • Select ‘Pdf’ to create and save a PDF copy of the invoice

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Creating an invoice

How do I edit an invoice

How do I edit an invoice

  • Once you save your invoice you will see a page which shows how the invoice will be displayed to the client
  • The edit button is visible and available on this page

Create invoice EDIT BUTTON

  • To make changes to the saved invoice click on ‘Edit’ option that appears on the top left hand side of your screen.

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  • Having made the necessary changes, click on ‘Update’ optionQ 14 c
  • Your invoice will be updated with the respective changes

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Creating an invoice

How can I add name of a sales representative?

How can I add name of a sales representative?

  1. To add name of new sales representative click on ‘Add new sales rep’ option in ‘Sales rep’ tab.
  2. Enter ‘First name’, ‘Last name’ and ‘email’ of the sales representative that you wish to add.
  3. Click on ‘Save’.
  4. Name and email of new sales representative will be added to your list.

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Creating an invoice

Why should a sales rep be added when creating an invoice?

Why should a sales rep be added when creating an invoice?

Name and email address of a sales representative can be included in the invoice as proof of sale executed by the sales person.  This information can later be used to generate commission reports for your sales staff.

  • While creating your invoice, towards the bottom left is the ‘Sales rep’ tab.
  • This tab displays names of sales representatives that you have saved.
  • You can select the name of the representative who takes credit for the sale.

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  • After creating invoice click on ‘Save’ option.
  • Name of the sales representative will be displayed in the ‘Invoice history’ section.
Creating an invoice

What are notes to customer?

What are notes to customer?

‘Notes to customer’ section allows you to convey a message to your clients through your invoice. Such notes will be visible to clients when the final invoice is generated. Notes to customer can be entered through the ‘Notes to Customer’ section which is just above the ‘Save’ option

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Creating an invoice

What are the different type of invoice templates available and when should I use them?

What are the different type of invoice templates available and when should I use them?

  • When you select ‘Create Invoice’ you will reach the page that allows you to create your invoice.
  • On the top towards the right is the ‘Invoice Template’ tab
  • The five templates available are Professional template, Service template 1, Service template 2, Fixed fee template and Product template
  • Depending on the nature of your invoice you can choose a template accordingly
  • Professional template: General template that can be used for many type of companies
  • Service template1: Used by companies that provide services
  • Service template2: Used by companies that provide services
  • Fixed fee template: Used by companies who work on a fixed fee basis
  • Product template: Used by companies who sell products

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Creating an invoice

What are units?

What are units?

When you create an invoice, depending on the nature of the particulars, you can specify the units. Ex: Hourly or weekly. Or you can use Dozen, Kg etc.

You can also add your own custom Unit specific to your business which will appear when you invoice.

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What reports are available to me?

What reports are available to me?

Users have access to reports under various headings namely

  • Payment received reports: These reports provide information on fully and partially paid invoices, overpaid ones and those that are on its way to your account (which was made through bank transfer). You can also view reports of payments received by date range.
  • Payments not received reports: Gives you reports based on different categories such as ‘All invoices’, ‘Custom reports’, ‘Tax reports by date change’ and ‘Payment tax reports’.
  • Custom and tax reports:  Tells you who has not paid, invoices that are overdue, contact numbers and email ids of overdue customers.
  • Other useful reports: include Sales Rep report, which gives you information about your sales rep commission, reports of deleted invoices, and those of late payers.







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How do I find out how much tax I have collected?

How do I find out how much tax I have collected?


  • In ‘View Reports’ under ‘Custom and Tax Reports’ select ‘Tax reports by date range’.

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  • Select the date range and this list of invoices with ‘Paid date’, ‘Invoice number’, ‘Client company’ and

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  • Tax amount’ will appear.

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