
How do I export my invoice information?

How do I export my invoice information?

  • Choose the particular report that you wish to export from the ‘View Report’ section
  • If you wish to export unpaid invoice report select this option from ‘Payment not received report’ list


  • The list of invoices that are unpaid will be displayed


  • Select ‘Export report to excel’ option



  • This is how the unpaid invoice report will look like, when exported to excel




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Creating an invoice

How do I invoice in different currencies?

How do I invoice in different currencies?

1. Login to your account
2. When you are ‘creating an invoice’, there are invoice details to be filled.
3. At the Invoice currency field, you have several options to choose from.

4. Choose the desired currency from the dropdown list.




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Manage Invoices

How do I find out when my customer has opened and viewed my invoice?

How do I find out when my customer has opened and viewed my invoice?

  • Go to Manage invoice >>View invoices that are unopened
  • List of invoices that you have created will be displayed
  • You can also view invoices using ‘Search client’ or date range option
  • Invoice details such as date, number, total, customer name and status will be displayed.
  • The date your customer has read your invoice will also be displayed under the read date column






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How do I add a new client?

How do I add a new client?

  • Under ‘Settings’ in ‘Invoice settings’ select ‘Client details’



  • The page displays a list of clients that you have saved
  • To add a new client select ‘Add new client’ tab


  • Enter mandatory details like ‘Client company’, ‘First name’ and ‘Country’
  • Enter other details like ‘e-mail’, ‘Last name’, ‘City’, ‘Country’ and ‘Phone’.


  • Click on ‘Save’ option
  •  Additionally, in Create Invoice page, under ‘Client company’, select ‘Add new client’ option and enter information about new client.

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How do I change the email text that is sent to the customer?

How do I change the email text that is sent to the customer?


  • Under ‘Settings’ is the ‘e-mail text content settings’ which has options like

Email text sent to clients: This email text is sent to your clients along with new invoices

Resend invoice: This email text is sent to your clients along with new invoices

Payment received with thanks: This automatic email is sent to your clients after they make payment

Due date coming up shortly: This automatic email will be sent to your clients to remind them of the due date to make payment

Invoice is overdue now: This automatic email will be sent to your clients if invoice is not paid by due date

Payment received confirmation: You will get this email when your client makes the payment

New user activation email: New user activation email is sent to new users. This automatic email is sent when you add a new user within your account.

Set when to send automatic reminder and overdue messages: Automatic reminder and overdue setting.



  • Depending on the task that you wish to perform, you can select a particular option.
  • For an example, if you wish to acknowledge your customer for the payment that you received, select ‘Payment received with thanks’ option.


  • An email template opens up with the subject line ‘Thank you for your payment’



  • By default, the email will have content. Do not edit anything enclosed within “%”. These are codes for relevant invoice number, company name and so on. The relevant information will be inserted automatically into your email.
  • You can edit the text outside of the coding (%) and change the message you wish to convey in the body of your email and/or the subject as required.
  • If you want to edit the keyword between the %, select the keyword from the drop down list below and insert it at the appropriate places.
  • Click on ‘Update’ option after you have made the required changes.



  • An email will be sent to your customer
  • Select ‘Restore default settings’ option to switch back to the default settings




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How do I set the number of days when the reminders are sent for my customers?

How do I set the number of days when the reminders are sent for my customers?

  • In ‘Settings’ under‘ E-mail text content settings’ select ‘Set when to send automatic reminder and overdue messages’ option.



  • You will reach the automatic reminder and overdue settings page.
  • This page allows you to set when to send automatic reminder and overdue messages to your customers.
  • You can make your entry in the ‘Set when to send automatic reminder messages’ and in the ‘Set when to send automatic overdue messages’ tab.
  • If you enter the value as 0, then the reminder emails will not be triggered.



  • After making the necessary entry, click on ‘Save’ option




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Manage Invoices

How do I stop a recurring invoice?

How do I stop a recurring invoice?

  • Go to Manage invoice >> Invoice action >> Stop recurring invoices


  •  The list of recurring invoices will be displayed


  • From the list select the invoices that you wish to stop payment for by clicking on ‘Stop’ option displayed next to ‘invoice total’
  • Invoice details for selected invoice will be displayed
  • When you choose stop recurring Invoice tab that particular will be no longer a recurring invoice





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Creating an invoice

How do I create a recurring invoice?

How do I create a recurring invoice?

  • While creating your invoice below the ‘Select Payment Option’, you will see the option ‘Recurring Invoice’.
  • Enter information ‘Start Date’, ‘End Date’, and how often do you wish to send the invoice to your client.
  • Click on ‘Save’


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How do I add new taxes?

How do I add new taxes?


  • In ‘Settings’ under ‘Invoice settings’ choose ‘Tax details’ option


  • Select ‘Add tax’ option


  • A dialogue box opens up and you can add ‘Standard Tax’, ‘Group tax’ or ‘Tax over tax’.


  • When you choose to add ‘Standard tax’ another dialogue box opens up asking you to enter ‘Tax name’ and ‘Tax %’.
  • Enter CST in ‘Tax name’ and 4 in ‘Tax %’ box. Select ‘Save’.




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How do I add new products one at time or upload in bulk using an Excel spreadsheet?

How do I add new products one at time or upload in bulk using an Excel spreadsheet?

A single new product or service can be added using the following steps
  • In ‘Settings’ under ‘Invoice settings’ choose ‘Product/service item details’ option




  • List of products that you have added and saved will appear. Select ‘Add new item’ option to add a new item to the list.



  • In the ‘Add new item’ box that opens up, enter information like ‘Item name’, ‘Rate’, ‘Quantity’, ‘Unit’ and ‘Description’. Click on ‘Save’.




Multiple products or services can be added using the following steps


  • In ‘Settings’ under ‘Invoice settings’ choose ‘Product/service item details’ option.

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  • The add item menu opens up

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  • Select ‘Sample Import File’ option. This will enable you to download and save the sample products and categories file.

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  • Open the saved file. Spreadsheet opens up allowing you to enter the products name and description. You may start making the entry from row #3.

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  • Having made the necessary entry, save the spreadsheet and close.

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  • Select the ‘Import Button’. The Import dialogue box opens up asking you to choose a file to attach. Select the file that you saved on the desktop and click on ‘Save’. You will land on a page where you can view if the file is uploaded or not.


  • The respective file with the products and items that you saved opens up as follows.

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