How do I update payment with tax for single invoice?
- Go to ‘Manage invoice’ >> ‘Invoice action’ >> ‘Update invoice payments’
- The list of invoices that you have created will be displayed
- The last column enables you to choose the particular invoice
- Click on ‘Update payment’ option
- That particular invoice opens up
- In the ‘Enter payment’ section you can enter the amount that you received in the ‘Enter amount paid’ tab
- Below the ‘Enter amount paid’ tab is the option called ‘Add taxes’.
- Selecting this option allows you to add new tax
- In the ‘Add new payment tax’ dialogue box that opens up enter the name of tax that you wish to charge in ‘Payment tax name’ tab and click on ‘Save’ option
- The name of the tax shows up in your invoice
- In the box beside this one enter the value of tax that you wish to charge
- The total amount that you received, including tax will be displayed in ‘Total amount paid’ tab
- Click on ‘Enter payment’ and the payment that you received will be successfully updated